Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Introduction to earth science Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words

Introduction to earth science - Research Paper Example Figure 1 below shows some markers like inter-seismic, co-seismic and post-seismic stages in the Earth that often lead to the happening of an earthquake. 2 The best approach for measuring the size of an earthquake is by determining the orientation of the fault, the direction of the slip, and the area of the fault that was affected during the earthquake (Brown et al., 1992). Through this process, it will be possible to estimate the amplitude of the waves generated by the earthquake by considering the area of the fault that broke and the magnitude of the slip caused by the vibration. In other words, earthquake sizes are currently estimated based on the amplitude of their seismic waves (Brown et al., 1992; Grotzinger et al., 2006). Earthquake magnitudes are measured on the Richter Scales. The figure 2 below show the relationship among the magnitude of an earthquake, the area of a fault that broke in the earthquake, the amount of slip in an earthquake, and the amount of strain energy rele ased in the earthquake (Brown et al., 1992) Magnitude Fault Area (km2) Fault Length (km) Slim (m) Energy (joule) Number/year 3 0.15 0.4 0.008 2x109 100,000 4 1.5 1.2 0.025 6x1010 15000 5 15 4 0.08 2x1012 3000 6 150 12 0.25 6x1013 100 7 1500 40 0.8 2x1015 20 8 1.5x104 120 2.5 6x1016 2 9 1.5x105 400 8 2x1018 Figure 2: Courtesy of Brown et al., 1992. 3 Because of the ways they affect human activities, earthquakes have been subjected to series of studies. One important aspect of the studies is to identify the causes of an earthquake, its size and its overall implications in the areas where it has struck. The old technique of analyzing these issues concentrate on the first seismic waves that emanate from an earthquake occurrence. These first seismic waves are referred to as first motions (Brown et al., 1992; Grotzinger et al., 2006). The first motions are then observed from a distant and analyzed to determine the focal mechanism of the earthquake. However, modern method of studying of ea rthquakes utilizes sophisticated analysis that may be difficult to explain because of its technical requirements. Lately, scientists are studying the impacts of earthquakes on the environments. Some of the questions experts are asking include but are not restricted the following: (i) Do earthquake cause social hygienic problems whenever it occur? (ii) How do earthquake affect the economy of a particular place where it has occurred. Some answers have been offered to explain the implications of earthquakes in our world; but some experts are still digging for more facts to identify the actual economic cost of an earthquake, and how such a catastrophe can be mitigated in the future (Brown et al., 1992). The most important thing about earthquake is finding the most efficient way to ignite alarm system to the people immediately it strikes. This would be able to minimize both human and economic losses the situation would have caused. In the developed 4 countries, policy makers are spending a lot of money to find out the most applicable earthquake signals that would encourage people to follow evacuation procedures as soon as the earthquakes occurred (Grotzinger et al., 2006). Countries like Indonesia and Japan where the occurrence of earthquakes seem to be once in every other week are constantly seeking the final solutions to the earthquake signal system so as to improve both the pre- and post-occurrence incidents, and subsequently save more lives and protect properties

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Case Study of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill and the Resultant Changes

Case Study of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill and the Resultant Changes Research report of this case study is regarding of the Exxon Valdez oil spill disaster. Exxon Mobil Corporation is found on 30th November 1999 by merging Exxon and Mobil and its the largest publicly traded companies in the world. It is in the rank of #1 or #2 for the past 5 years. By the time it reached March 1989, a worst tragedy took place where caused by one of the largest super tanker in the world Exxon Valdez. [1] Different products have developed constantly in respond to changing demand for better in petroleum refinery. There a lot of processes involve in refinery, but the four main processes is refinery, separation, conversion and purification operation processes. At first the use of refinery is to create kerosene as cheaper and better compare to whale oil. Since all vehicles and airplane is combustion engine, it created more needs for petroleum. The location of Prince William Sound is so deep in where it only can be access by plane and boat. Due to this, the government and particular industries that involve had a tough time cleaning the disaster. By this major disaster, environment, economic and social were the main aspects were affected badly. It has given a negative impact on the lifestyle of the people in Prince William Sound.[2] A lot of action has been taken in the oil refinery industry after the oil spill, such as Operation Integrated Management System (OIMS), better radar system and Coast Guard in Prince William Sound. Introduction 2.1 Problem Statement By such disaster occurring, the exposure and early prevention steps would be taken by the society. Engineers will be efficient as in; safety and the quality would play a big role for them in their career by knowing the consequences of the major disaster. 2.2 Objective 1. The aim and objectives 2. To observe oil and refinery industrial processes and operations and learn the cause of the disaster 3. Risks of the oil spill disaster and pollution that affected all areas that lead to the oil spill disaster and pollution 4. The consequences of all the hazards of the oil spill disaster 5. To improvise and the changes in the management systems to prevent from the disaster to occur 2.3 Overview This research report is a case study of the Exxon Valdez oil spill disaster that took place in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Within six hours of the grounding, the Exxon Valdez spilled around 10.9 million gallons of its 53 million gallon cargo of Prudhoe Bay crude oil. Eight of the eleven tanks on board were damaged. Even before this major disaster occurred, they were high risk of oil spill in Prince William Sound. There is still an unclear doubt why this oil spill took place. [1] 3. Aim and objectives of Exxon Mobil Corporation Exxon Mobil Corporation is merged in two companies which is Exxon and Mobil in the year of 1999. It is the worlds largest petroleum and petrochemical company and it is also the worlds leading traded international oil and gas company. Exxon Mobil markets fuel and lubricants are under three brands which are Esso, Exxon and Mobil. The corporation aims and objective is divided into few sectors: 3.1 Development Exxon Mobil is focused on serious and discipline investment decision to find the best solutions that can give a large amount of profit and also the same time increase the reliability and reduce the cost. Exxon Mobil is also focused on many major projects which have started with the design and the operating concept and delivery. 3.2 Employees Exxon Mobil is very choosy in taking in and retaining employers. They need employers who are extremely good and get the best out of them. They make the best of the best by sending them to the best training. They are very committed to maintain their safety during at workplace. A safe work environment enriched by diversity and characterized by open communication, trust and fair treatment.[3] 3.3 Communities Exxon Mobil is base throughout the world. Where ever the, they are very committed to be a good cooperate citizen. They maintain their high ethical standards, obey all applicable laws, rules and regulation and also respect the culture of the respective country. Among all those objectives above, they are more dedicated to running safe and environmentally responsible process. Exxon Mobil Corporation is self-motivated to be at the leading edge of competition in all the aspects of our business. They are very discipline and very selective in estimating the range of capital investment opportunities available to them. They create new ways such as develop proprietary technologies that provide a competitive edge. Their goals are achieved by flawlessly executing business plans and adhering to these guiding principles and the foundation policies. 3.4 Shareholders Exxon Mobil Corporation is committed to enhance the long term period value of the investment dollars trusted to them by the shareholders. At the end the shareholders would be rewarded with their superior returns. The momentum of this would enhance their management of their Corporation. [1] 3.5 Customers To remain successful in an industry, a company has to be firm to please those different perception customers to adapt to their needs. Exxon Mobil commits them self to offer high quality products and services at competitive prices. [1] Refinery Industrial Processes and operations Figure 1: Process Flow Diagram [4] Oil refinery industry is a process where a barrel of raw crude oil that contains a mixture of all sorts of hydrocarbons, is transform it to petrochemical fuel like petrol and diesel. All processes are done by heat, pressure and chemical reaction method. Valves and gadgets is the one regulated when the crude oil runs through many kilo metres of pipes. Computerizes gadgets used to monitor to control and optimize the processes that are undertaken. Refining Process In this industry, refining is the most simplest and common processes is under taken. It starts with the crude oil is been heated up to vaporize the oil in distillation tower. Naturally heavier molecules would not rise as lighter ones in the vapour and with this the vapour can condense with different levels. When the cooling process occurs at various degrees, the liquefied gasses are collected in condensation trays. By this various types of petrochemical material are obtained. [4] 4.2 Treatment The purpose of this process is for hydrocarbon streams to get ready for extra processing and to prepare complete products. Sometimes it includes the elimination or separation of aromatics and naphthenic also as impurities. Chemical or physical separation for instance dissolving, absorption, or precipitation using a variation and combination of processes containing desalting, drying, hydro desulfurizing, solvent refining, sweetening, solvent extraction, and solvent dew axing might be included. 4.3 Catalytic Cracking Catalytic processes are another type of processes. It involves the breaking of heavy molecules into more valuable light molecules. For an example the breaking of low bitumen to diesel or even petrol where this process takes place in a high temperature using an alumina silicate and alumina silicate acts as a catalyst to the process and helps to break down the molecule. This catalyst is in powder form. 4.6 Auxiliary operations and facilities Steam and power generation, process and fire water system, flares and relief system, furnaces and heaters, pumps and valves, supply of steam, air, nitrogen and other plant gases, alarms and sensors, noise and pollution controls, sampling, testing, inspecting, laboratory, control room, maintenance and managerial facilities. [5] 4.4 Other Refining Operations This includes light-ends recovery, sour-water stripping, solid waste and wastewater management, process-water treatment and cooling, storing and management, product movement, hydrogen production, acid and tail-gas treatment and sulphur retrieval. [5] 5. Risks in all areas that lead to disaster 5.1 Human Error Human error is the main contributing factors. The first mate or captain of the tanker Captain Hazelwood was under influence of alcohol, at that time of the incident. The captain was unable to concentrate on his responsibility. This could be avoided if the captain of the ship were more discipline during work. Hazelwood was send to alcohol rehabilitation for 28 days. The management knew about it and they followed his progress in rehab. The mistake the management did was, gave him the responsible to be a captain of vessel again. Instead of reinstating such a major responsible as a captain, they should have given him desk work job. Moreover the third mate who was in charge of the vessel when the major accident occurred. This is because he had very little sleep the night before grounding and they were lacking of staff on board tanker. When the Hazelwood went to sleep, the third mate had to take in charge to manoeuvre the tanker without having enough sleep.[6] 5.2 Failure of Coast Guard Safe proofing method has been established and agreed between State of Alaska, the Coast Guard and the oil industry. This is to avoid human error to occur. This method works when there is a form of iceberg the coast guard has to warn the captains and the captain has to slow down their tankers. However, most of the tankers did not follow to the rules including Exxon Valdez due to profit and eliminate down time. 5.3 Delayed Response Location of Prince Williams Sound is deep so deep in by geographical view, where can be only excessed by air or water made the response slow. Apart from the location, the weather also played another big factor. Due to delayed response on reacting to clean the mess, the oil polluted about 2000km of cost line and about 26000 square kilo meters of sea was contaminated. [10] Consequences Figure 2: State on-scene Coordinators [8] A tanker with crude oil from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska collides with a reef in Alaskas Prince William Sound and 11 million gallons of crude oil spilled into one of the biggest coastlines. The horrible outcome out of the incident could have been reduced but due to the location, it made it hard for the clean-up team and the government to react. Even Exxon Mobile did not react fast due to their unstable system in place to deal with the crisis. There is no any commitment given by Exxon Mobile to ensure that this same incident will occur again. [9] 6.1 Economical The total money to just clean the mess is approximately USD 2.1 billion dollars and fine is USD 5 billion dollars of this was the biggest penalizing fines ever charged out to a company. The total Exxon Mobile had to fork out USD 7.1 billion dollars. Those fishermens were affected badly, till their livelihoods were affected. They were relying on that for surviving. They lost around yearly gross valued at USD 174 million dollars. Due to this tourism industry were affected as well. [8] 6.2 Environmental Ecological system and wildlife were destroyed fully. Shoreline for 1400 miles was affected till they cant find those areas. A total of 1,015 dead Sea otters, 36,466 dead Sea birds 144 dead bald eagles, 302 harbour and more than 100,000 of oiled birds. The number for dead birds was the highest compare to Heneman oil spill happen in 1989. Some species sinked when they die, due to that the whole sea was polluted. Most of the marine mammals fall sick due to ingesting oil while trying to clean oil of their furs or feathers or eating intoxicated prey. [9] Improvement and Changes in the Management System 7.1 Operation Integrity Management System After the oil spill Exxon Mobil Corporation devised a complete 11 point plan which covers from management to employees and everything including facilities and training. Exxon Mobil implemented an approach where safety is a major factor. The multilevel (OIMS) covers an extensive level of element in management system. This elements could classified as leadership management in safety and accountability, design, constructing and maintaining facilities, readiness in facing emergency, adaptation to change, continuous assessment of performance and inquiries in accident and incidents. When this policy been implemented Exxon had to go through a lot of changes and this changes lead to more improve and safe environment. This creates, Exxon Mobil to be the leader for safety in the industry. [4] 7.2 Management Leadership Implementation of safety starts at the management and work itself down to the labour force. This is because at the management level, the planning of the health and safety procedure is done. Thus enforcing safety measures also the responsibility of the management. This is done by identifying the risk involves followed by setting clear performances criteria. This can be done by creating a clear risk management procedure. Once that is done the leadership in the organization should have a strict enforcement policy where everybody involve should be given proper training and additional exposure to the risk and safety measure are involve. [4] 7.3 Construction and Facilities When designing a facilities and construction of the facilities there is different type degree of safeties. For an example when u designing a machinery or tool, in this case best related to a building of a oil tanker. After the catastrophic disaster of Exxon Valdez, the safety emphasis on the design was changed. For an example, tankers now are re-enforced by having double hull and other safety measures are more efficient. The operation safety is emphasis by training where is given to all ship crew. For an example, navigation officers are given training in extreme condition ship manoeuvring. [4] Improvement and Policies After the incident Exxon Mobil had strict recruitment policies where all employees which are new has to go through an alcohol and drug screening. This was also implemented on existing staff and this was done after the incident. If in case there was a employee who was under the influence of any substance on board a vessel would be stopped from sailing again until they can prove that they would not repeat and gone through proper rehabilitation. [4] Conclusion The conclusion is Exxon Valdez was one of the major oil spill disaster. It effect of this incident was wide spread and very devastating. Resulting from a human error and negligence, many innocent people and environment was affected. From this case study it can be said that a good safety plan is required. Management also should always be responsible with their action and measures to prevent such disaster. Given the situation and late response to the disaster made the incident even worse. They were many guidelines that did not followed by the management and employees, for an example the captain who was under the influence of alcohol and the lack of crew members on board. Incident happens because of human error. The crew on board was very badly trained or not trained at all for any kind of situation. Therefore more training needed in future for all the employees, there should be always a body which monitors the training and sets on-going training for all the staffs. The management should also enforce health and safety guidelines in a regular basis. To ensure in the future there will be any similar incidents occurring. There also should be a team that ensures the maintainers of the tanker and equipment on board. The Exxon Valdez spill was a lesson well learned by everyone especially Exxon Mobil Corporation and other oil and gas companies.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Using the Google Search Engine :: Computer Science

Using the Google Search Engine find two internet sites that provide internet resources for the study of Australian Literature. -http://www.middlemiss.org/lit/lit.html -http://home.vicnet.net.au/~ozlit/ ii. Write a detailed summary in no more than 600 words of what kind of information and services the sites provide. Give examples as necessary. The first of the two websites that I looked at was www.middlemiss.org/lit/lit.html, it is constructed by Perry Middlemiss who is a lover of books, and who wishes to pay credit to those 'forgotten' Australian writers on the Web. Middlemiss begins by naming 70 Australian authors, and also provides links to those authors, and those who do not have links to other sites a promise is made that they will be provided in the future. By simply clicking on one of the authors, for example Miles Franklin, you are led to a web page that gives a brief biography of the author, and also a list of her works, some of which also have links that give a brief insight. The site also provides listings of the winners of literary prizes, and in particular The Miles Franklin Award, and The Australian/Vogel Award. Again by clicking on these we are lead to a page that provides the winners of these awards, and also those that were shortlisted. A page that provides a short description on the authors and the books that are listed are available by clicking on the links. Another form of Australian Literature that is provided is poems. Middlemiss offers his favourite poet, Victor Daley on the site, and lists some of his poems, which are all accessible. He also lists other Australian poets, all of which have further links. By clicking on the poet's name we are lead to a site that offers a short biography of the poet, for example Adam Lindsay Gordon, the site also offers a list of his poetry collections and biographies, some of which have further links that discuss that particular item. Links are also available to full texts of the poems that are listed. For example by clicking on The Trenches by Frederic Manning we are lead to the full version of the poem. Also available are links to different Australian novels, which have been segregated under different topic headings, these include fiction, drama, art, food, histories, and others. Ozlit (http://home.vicnet.net.au/~ozlit/) offers more than 500 pages of Australian Literary information, and more than 1100 entries in their Books and Writers database, which is also fully searchable. A search engine is available that allows you to search the whole Ozlit site for information. There is also a links database available that allows you to search for references on writers.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

English is Broken Here Essay

English is Broken Here: Notes on Cultural Fusion is a series of essays where Coco Fusco examines the work of Latino performance artists born in the United States of America and the themes of â€Å"otherness† and culture clash. Fusco’s work depicts cultural fusion thru live performances. She meant to educate people thru her work of art and being the â€Å"other,† even posed herself with Gomez-Pena, a performance artist, under public scrutiny. They created a live exhibit of various complex societies having multi-faceted traditions, rituals and lots of different languages. This might only appeal superficially to mainly white audience but they made a difference in this kind of performance. They stirred the audience’s imagination and sense of cultural awareness. Comments gathered from the audience regarding Housekeeper’s Diary varied to some extent. There were those who talked about their own discomfort of not understanding their housemaids or on how to treat them humanely. Some might have even lauded their maids to feel important and cheerful despite their indifference. Fusco and Gomez-Pena performed live in museums and municipal buildings to know the public reactions. They exhibited themselves as indigenous tribal members. They were in a cage on display as â€Å"two undiscovered Amerindians† from the island of Guatinau. Coco Fusco describes the performance in â€Å"The Other History of Intercultural Performance,† as: â€Å"Our plan was to live †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ authentic Guatinaui male genitals for $5 (p. 9). † People watching them did not know what to believe in. Some of the audience thought that the performance was real. However, such presentation, no matter how believable or not, could only mean taking a second look on what is really going on in the daily lives of people. The curiosity of people paying just to have a peek on the male genitalia of Gomez-Pena acting as Guatinaui is somewhat a spectacular thing to some, as if the genitalia of the fictional Guatinaui is different from the existing humans. Among artists and scientists during the Renaissance, it was a prevailing belief that the artwork or study of the male form was in itself an artwork or study of God, thus they placed value on sculpture of the male form as one of the highest works of art. In the case of Fusco’s and Gomez-Pena’s live performance, it was their priceless work of art as it was tangible. In the course of their live exhibits, others would feed Fusco and Gomez-Pena with bananas and posing with them for some souvenir photos. A realization regarding the performance might have hit into some audience such as acting out their own fantasies in life. Another part of the essay is what Fusco wrote as: â€Å"Gomez-Pena found the experience of being continually †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ of public objectification (p. 57). † In her perspective as a woman with varied experiences in life, the performance would make her deflect the scrutiny and objectifications of the audience. The possibility of having undergone more serious and debilitating experiences in life might have made her stronger and more open as accepting people’s objections and criticisms as well. While to Gomez-Pena, the experience of being exposed to people being someone else has depressed him to some extent. Psychologically, their performance also made an impact to themselves, which actually opened their minds as well and not only the audience that they wanted to observe them. What they did was something not all can do. It would take a lot of courage, determination and imagination for them to execute such a unique performance, a unique work of art, just to educate people on the existence of various cultures and expose them to the consequences of cultural fusion.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Comparing Poems From Other Cultures Essay

In these two poems, identity is seen to be important, for in half-caste the author is trying to seek acceptance from others around him for who he is as a person, but in search for my tongue the author is losing her identity and is seeking help in finding out who she as a person. Half-caste portrays someone who feels that people label others without knowing them as people first, and how much it can hurt them. For John Agard says:†Explain yuself, wha you mean, when yu say half caste†. This shows that he is confused about how he portrays himself to others, and how others perceive him. This make you think that the way in people perceives you on first appearance makes you who you are.  Search for my tongue is like a cry out to others to help with her lost mother tongue, and she doesn’t know what her identity is because she is confused about which language is her. It also shows how people don’t understand how she feels or understand what she is going through with her struggle with the two languages that she uses. For it says: â€Å"You ask me what I mean by saying I have lost my tongue.† This shows that she feels isolated from others as they do not understand the internal struggle she is going through having to lose her original identity – her mother tongue – to a new identity, a foreign tongue.  In half-caste, the tone is quite angry and harsh. I feel that the tone is displayed in this way because he is angry with others for judging him for being mixed race, and the prejudices that everybody has towards others. For even though in the poem it just confronts the prejudice at half-caste people, there is always prejudice towards everybody, not just half-caste people. So in this poem he is challenging the fact that prejudice is wrong and unfair, and hurts people because they are being judged before people know them properly as a person. Some of this aggressive confrontational work is evident by the line: â€Å"So spiteful dem don’t want de sun pass.†Ã‚  This shows that prejudice people are so â€Å"spiteful† that they don’t think half-caste should be able to walk past them in the street. This shows that people can be severely hurt by a label, and that because of the way peoples minds have been brought up, they believe they are superior to so called â€Å"half-castes†, and believe the â€Å"half-castes† not worthy enough to even walk the same streets as the superior people.  In search, the tone is quite confused and lonely, and is unsure of who she is as a person. For her original identity was gujarati, but having had convert to a foreign language she feels that she has lost her original identity, and has been forced to take on a different identity because of the different language she has to communicate to others in the place she lives in now. For she says: â€Å"You could not use them both, even if you thought that way.†Ã‚  This shows that she feels she is losing her sense of identity, and feels she has to choose between the life she lives now and her original identity. She feels that the new language is pushing the other one away, and dominating her life so much that she forgets how her life used to be before it was controlled by the foreign language.  In half-caste Agard rejects the conventional punctuation, for there isn’t a single comma or full stop in the whole of the poem. Also, he misspells half of the words in his poem purposely to help get his message across to the reader. The lack of punctuation and misspelling is all for the purpose of the poem. As people think that he is half-caste, they believe him to be incapable of any proper thoughts, feelings or being capable to produce something that could make an impact on somebody else’s life. It is also used to strike the audience hard with his message of how everybody is equal no matter what their ethnic background is. For he says: â€Å"Wid de whole of yu eye an de whole of yu ear an the whole of yu mind.†Ã‚  This shows that he feels that those who mock him are the whole who considered themselves to be perfect and have no faults of their own, and are known to be the superior race. It shows that he knows that they like downgrading him by saying he’s half-caste, and has only â€Å"half a mind†, showing that they think he is incapable of proper thoughts, or proper feelings. In Search, the punctuation is consistent, but the poem structure is always different. The line lengths are all different, and there are no stanzas to separate the poem out – it is all just one long stanza. In Half-caste, there is 3 stanzas of various lengths, to help get the meaning of the poem across better to the audience and the poems lines are all of similar lengths, to keep it sharp and continuous.  The layout of search, with its punctuation and line lengths shows that she is trying to find some consistency in her life – she is trying to find what she knows in life to find in the end that she can, in her dreams. The fact that she also includes both English and Gujarati in her poem shows that even though she does use the English language, Gujarati is still an important part of her life, as it makes up part of who she is as a person. For she says: â€Å"Everytime I think I’ve forgotten†¦it blossoms out of my mouth.†Ã‚  This shows that even if she forgets, or is so used to using the foreign language, she cannot forget her native language even if she tried. This is because it has been a part of her culture and identity for so long, she cannot part from it, no matter what she is faced with or what ever happens to her.  So the identity that is portrayed in half-caste is no matter what ethnic background you come from, no matter what you look like as an individual, we are all equal human beings and all deserve the right to be able to live our lives to the full.  The identity that is portrayed in search is one that suggests that you cannot lose who you are as a person, no matter what you are faced with, even if you have to change your language or move somewhere else, you cannot change who you truly are as a person.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Two Party Monopoly in Us Government essays

Two Party Monopoly in Us Government essays The Southern Captivity of the GOP ND Breaking the Two-Party Monopoly Through reading these two articles, I have been shown a side of politics that I havent quite seen before. Growing up only exposed to the Republican and Democratic parties, it isnt realized that our governmental system could be so drastically different than how it is setup now. These two topics of Southern governmental ideas and the uncommon view on our party system were unheard of to me. Never learning about the Fuhrman Effect or Finkelstein Box made this even more interesting. Seeing the research that has been done clearly shows how voters feel and how candidates are presenting themselves. It wasnt that surprising than many conservatives are being pusher away because many Southerners are imposing their opinions and beliefs on them. Many people are content with feeling a certain way about different issues, but when hen they feel they are being threatened, pushed towards one side, or force to be labeled by which party they recognize themselves as, they tend to back away. The statement that democrats are no longer a liberal party-or at least they are far less liberal than the Republicans are too conservative. Whereas 58% of Republicans identify themselves as conservative, only a third of Democrats identify themselves as liberals was surprising to me for two reasons. This makes it seem as though people are not identifying themselves with label anymore, yet that contradicts the whole idea of being involved in a party. And secondly it seems as though both parties are becoming weaker in their convictions, as though there is not that major a difference between the two parties. Showing that the Republicans have become too conservative and too liberal at the same time is very thought-provoking for they are seen as two opposites in politics, yet makes sense due to Republicans view that others opinions are incorrect and liberal becaus...

Monday, October 21, 2019

These 7 jobs require very little experience

These 7 jobs require very little experience Maybe you’re desperate for a job and have had trouble finding one that fits your life. Maybe you’re fresh out of high school with a very short resume. Maybe you’re looking for a career change and want something totally new. The trouble is, everything out there is asking for â€Å"3-5 years† experience and you have none. You ask yourself how you’re supposed to get that experience without getting hired first†¦ and then you beat your head against your desk. Don’t despair! Here are 7 perfectly respectable jobs that will hire you with little-to-no experience. Some will give you on-the-job training and some will ask you to take a course before you begin, but all you can approach as a newbie.1. Delivery PersonIf you can drive and possess a valid license and a clean driving record, you can deliver. Most delivery jobs only require a high school diploma (or equivalent) to get started. Though this job can be tiring and physically demanding, you can expect to make an average of $13 an hour and work flexible hours.2. Bill CollectorAs long as you have your high school diploma or equivalent and a good phone manner, you could make an hourly rate of more than $15 an hour by working for third-party collection agencies. Most organizations do not require prior experience and offer on-the-job training.3. BartenderYou’ll probably need to attend some sort of bartending school, but once you do, you can make great money (an average of $10/hr, but before tips) making and serving drinks.4. School Bus DriverIf you have a clean driving (and criminal) record and the patience to hang out with children two times a day, then you can make an average of $15/hr driving them to and from school. This job might even come with decent benefits in some school districts.5. Real Estate BrokerThis one will take a little start-up money and a lot of legwork to get started, but can be a great career path. All you need is to take a course and pass a test t o get your license. Then there’s another test to become a full-fledged broker on your own. But you can work for yourself, design your own hours, and make a national average of $56k per year.6. Human Resources AssistantGain your own experience behind the scenes at a company by working for an HR department. Good administrative skills and customer service manner are very helpful, but in many places you’ll only really need a high school diploma or equivalent beyond those basic skills. The money is decent (national average is $15/hr) and you have the opportunity to work your way up the ladder.7. Library TechYes, libraries are still a thing. And being a librarian takes years of school and multiple degrees, but being a library technician  usually doesn’t. Assist the head librarians in organizing, ordering new materials, shelving books and magazines, and helping patrons. You’ll want to buff up on your people and computer skills, but otherwise you’ll only need your diploma in many places to get hired and make an average of $14/hr.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

SB2C Helldiver - Curtiss SB2C Helldiver

SB2C Helldiver - Curtiss SB2C Helldiver SB2C Helldiver - Specifications: General Length: 36 ft. 9 in. Wingspan: 49 ft. 9 in. Height: 14 ft. 9 in. Wing Area: 422 sq. ft. Empty Weight: 10,114 lbs. Loaded Weight: 13,674 lbs. Crew: 2 Number Built: 7,140 Performance Power Plant: 1 Ãâ€" Wright R-2600 radial engine, 1,900 hp Range: 1,200 miles Max Speed: 294 mph Ceiling: 25,000 ft Armament Guns: 2 Ãâ€" 20 mm (.79 in) cannon in the wings, 2 Ãâ€" 0.30 in M1919 Browning machine guns in rear cockpit Bombs/Torpedo: Internal bay - 2,000 lbs. of bombs or 1 Mark 13 torpedo, Underwing Hard Points - 2 x 500 lb. bombs SB2C Helldiver - Design Development: In 1938, the US Navys Bureau of Aeronautics (BuAer) circulated a request for proposals for a for a next-generation dive bomber to replace the new SBD Dauntless. Though the SBD had yet to enter service, BuAer sought an aircraft with greater speed, range, and payload. In addition, it was to be powered by the new Wright R-2600 Cyclone engine, possess an internal bomb bay, and be of a size that two of the aircraft could fit on a carriers elevator. While six companies submitted entries, BuAer selected Curtiss design as the winner in May 1939. Designated the SB2C Helldiver, the design immediately began showing problems. Early wind tunnel testing in February 1940 found the SB2C to have an excessive stall speed and poor longitudinal stability. While efforts to fix the stall speed included increasing the size of the wings, the latter issue presented greater problems and was a result of BuAers request that two aircraft be able to fit on an elevator. This limited the length of the aircraft despite the fact it was to have more power and a greater internal volume than its predecessor. The result of these increases, without an increase in length, was instability. As the aircraft could not be lengthened, the only solution was to enlarge its vertical tail, which was done twice during development. One prototype was constructed and first flew on December 18, 1940. Built in a conventional fashion, the aircraft possessed a semi-monocoque fuselage and two-spar, four-section wings. The initial armament consisted of two .50 cal. machine guns mounted in the cowling as well as one in each wing. This was supplemented by twin .30 cal. machine guns on a flexible mounting for the radio operator. The internal bomb bay could carry a single 1,000 lb. bomb, two 500 lb. bombs, or a torpedo. SB2C Helldiver - Problems Persist: Following the initial flight, problems remained with the design as bugs were found in the Cyclone engines and the SB2C showed instability at high speed. After a crash in February, flight testing continued through the fall until December 21 when the right wing and stabilizer gave out during a dive test. The crash effectively grounded the type for six months as the problems were addressed and the first production aircraft built. When the first SB2C-1 flew on June 30, 1942, it incorporated a variety of changes which increased its weight by nearly 3,000 lbs. and reduced its speed by 40 mph. SB2C Helldiver - Production Nightmares: Though unhappy with this drop in performance, BuAer was too committed to the program to pull out and was forced to push ahead. This was partly due to an earlier insistence that the aircraft be mass-produced to anticipate wartime needs. As a result, Curtiss had received orders for 4,000 aircraft before the first production type flew. With the first production aircraft emerging from their Columbus, OH plant, Curtiss found a series of problems with the SB2C. These generated so many fixes that a second assembly line was built to immediately modify newly built aircraft to the latest standard. Moving through three modification schemes, Curtiss was not able to incorporate all of the changes into the main assembly line until 600 SB2Cs were built. In addition to the fixes, other alterations to the SB2C series included the removal of the .50 machine guns in the wings (the cowl guns had been removed earlier) and replacing them with 20mm cannon. Production of the -1 series ended in spring 1944 with the switch to the -3. The Helldiver was built in variants through -5 with key changes being the use of a more powerful engine, four-bladed propeller, and the addition of wing racks for eight 5 in. rockets. SB2C Helldiver - Operational History: The reputation of the SB2C was well known before the type began arriving in late 1943. As a result, many front-line units actively resisted giving up their SBDs for the new aircraft. Due to its reputation and appearance, the Helldiver quickly earned the nicknames Son of a Bitch 2nd Class, Big-Tailed Beast, and just Beast. Among the issues put forward by crews in regard to the SB2C-1 was that it was underpowered, poorly built, possessed a faulty electrical system, and required extensive maintenance. First deployed with VB-17 aboard USS Bunker Hill, the type entered combat on November 11, 1943 during raids on Rabaul. It was not until spring 1944 that the Helldiver began to arrive in larger numbers. Seeing combat during the Battle of the Philippine Sea, the type had a mixed showing as many were forced to ditch during the long return flight after dark. Despite this loss of aircraft, it sped the arrival of improved SB2C-3s. Becoming the US Navys principal dive bomber, the SB2C saw action during the remainder of the conflicts battles in the Pacific including Leyte Gulf, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa. Helldivers also took part in attacks on the Japanese mainland. As later variants of the aircraft improved, many pilots came to have a grudging respect for the SB2C citing its ability to sustain heavy damage and remain aloft, its large payload, and longer range. Despite its early problems, the SB2C proved an effective combat aircraft and may have been the best dive bomber flown by the US Navy. The type was also the last designed for the US Navy as actions late in the war increasingly showed that fighters equipped with bombs and rockets were as effective as dedicated dive bombers and did not require air superiority. In the years after World War II, the Helldiver was retained as the US Navys prime attack aircraft and inherited the torpedo bombing role previously filled by the Grumman TBF Avenger. The type continued to fly until it was finally replaced by the Douglas A-1 Skyraider in 1949. SB2C Helldiver - Other Users: Watching the success of the German Junkers Ju 87 Stuka during the early days of World War II, the US Army Air Corps began looking for a dive bomber. Rather than seek a new design, the USAAC turned to existing types then in use with the US Navy. Ordering a quantity of SBDs under the designation A-24 Banshee, they also made plans to purchase a large number of modified SB2C-1s under the name A-25 Shrike. Between late 1942 and early 1944 900 Shrikes were built. Having re-assessed their needs based on combat in Europe, the US Army Air Forces found these aircraft were not needed and turned many back to the US Marine Corps while some were retained for secondary roles. The Helldiver was also flown by the Royal Navy, France, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Australia, and Thailand. French and Thai SB2Cs saw action against the Viet Minh during the First Indochina War while Greek Helldivers were used to attack Communist insurgents in the late 1940s. The last nation to use the aircraft was Italy which retired their Helldivers in 1959. Selected Sources Ace Pilot: SB2C HelldiverMilitary Factory: SB2C Helldiver Warbird Alley: SB2C Helldiver

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Designing a Baseline Occupational Health Survey Case Study

Designing a Baseline Occupational Health Survey - Case Study Example At this point, the employees will be shown how to use and place the cyclone during sampling. The sampling will also include the attachment of a personal sampling pump, which is attached on the employee’s belt while the employee’s collar has an assembly of a cassette and cyclone (Nevada Mining Association, 2008). While attaching this assembly, it is crucial to ensure that the assembly was within the employee’s breathing space in order to enhance the success of the sampling. In addition, the employee should ensure that they wore the equipment throughout their shift. Moreover, it is important for the technicians, in the sites where the sampling is occurring, to check on the sample during sampling after every few hours to ensure that the sampling process was successful. After completing the sampling process, the next step will involve the collection of the sample-train with the recording of sample run-time taking place after the collection. Then, there will be a performance of a post sampling calibration with the removal of the cassette from the cyclone in order to preserve it for use in the future. Following this, the samples will be sent to an IH-Accredited laboratory for analysis. The lab will then proceed to carry out NIOSH 0600 for dust analysis and NIOSH 7500 for silica analysis. It is crucial to carry out these two analyses to compare them to TLV as defined by the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA). The MSHA’s Threshold Limit Value (TLV) determines the amount of silica in the dust and thus defines the exposure levels of the employees (Cash, n.d.). The content of an Occupation medical surveillance program begins with hazard assessment. The next step will determine the eligibility of the employees in the medical surveillance following the Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards since the surveillance involves silica dust, which is a

Friday, October 18, 2019

Enterprise in action Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Enterprise in action - Essay Example The specific process needs to be developed in a series of phases, aiming to limit the chances of failures. However, in extremely turbulent market conditions, like the current ones, it is quite difficult for business opportunities to be identified and developed. The use of the effectual approach in the decision making process could help to manage such projects more effectively. Current paper presents the phases of the identification and the development of a business opportunity. Suggestions are made regarding the processes through which a business opportunity can be identified and developed. Appropriately literature has been also used for explaining the requirements and the challenges of the particular process. It is concluded that the use of appropriate techniques for identifying and developing the particular business opportunity can reduce the risks involved. However, it is necessary that all phases of the process are continuously monitored so that the chances for major losses to be eliminated. 2. Describing and processing the opportunity In order to identify and develop a business opportunity it is necessary to follow certain processes. These processes are analytically described below. At a first level, it is necessary to choose the approach on which the processes will be based. The effectual approach of decision-making has been chosen under the terms that the future conditions of the market involved cannot be precisely defined in advance – taking into consideration the strong market turbulences because of the global recession. Each of the phases of the processes is justified using relevant literature; additional literature is analytically presented in a separate section. 2.1 Effectual approach The effectual approach of the decision making process is based on the proposition that since certain elements of the future are known, there are measures that can be taken for controlling it, even if its precise characteristics are not known. In the terms of the business environment, the above approach means that the future performance of business plans can be guaranteed – at an important level - by taking measures which are appropriate in terms of the common market conditions. The above approach is not based on the perspective that the exact future conditions of the market can be known, a perspective accepted in the causal approach of decision making. For this reason, the effectual approach has been chosen as most appropriate for checking a business opportunity, since this approach has the following benefits: a) it does not require accurate decisions but just effective plans; emphasis is given on the construction of the business projects and not on the development of a series of decisions; this fact can help to save time in realizing the projects, b) it does not require precise goals or stable market environment; this fact is an advantage of the effectual approach taking into consideration the turbulences in the global market, c) i t does not require extensive market research, a fact that could also save time/ resources in the completion of the business project involved(Doke et al. 2007). The principles and the rules of the effectual approach have been critically examined in order to decide on their use in the identification/ development of a business opportunity. The effectual principles that have been proved more effective in the identific

Womens Crisis Services of Waterloo Region Organization Essay

Womens Crisis Services of Waterloo Region Organization - Essay Example This paper illustrates that Haven and Anselma were functioning independently up until 2001 when they merged to form the present Women’s Crisis Services of Waterloo Region (WCSWR). This also resulted in the integration of the board of directors and the creation of the post of the executive director who has the responsibility of managing the two facilities. The adoption of a dragonfly as its logo reflects the organizations’ literal shift from violence against women and children. The tagline â€Å"Moving beyond violence† is an enhancement of the message that achievement of equality is determined by human courage and initiative to propagate human values and leave violence against women in the past. Among its services is the residential program that serves women above the age of 16 either with or without children. These women include those who are being abused intimately or experiencing problems in a domestic relationship. The organization also has the outreach and ed ucation services that work closely with the process of transitioning women to independence, and also those seeking assistance from their current abusive situations. The education program functions to provide the community and professionals with the required information on healthy relationships. Therefore, they are guided by the fact that there should be synergistic efforts towards achieving a better world without violence against women with a mission of providing shelter, education and public sensitization to all the abused women and children. Therefore, it has grown to become the subsequent vision that any form of aggression against women and children will not be tolerated by society. The organization’s central contributions lie in the empowerment of women against this vice in the advent of calls for equality among males and females. This organization is also playing a fundamental part in refining the community regarding the costs of domestic violence and the benefits of avo iding it. It is also playing a significant role in creating conflict resolutions and ways to avoid the emergence of these conflicts. In another word, it means that the organization is working on the creation, sustainability and dissemination of peace in homes hence alleviating this problem of violence that is directed by men towards women.

Current Ethical issues in International HRM Coursework

Current Ethical issues in International HRM - Coursework Example Furthermore, the task of IHRM is to find, attract and manage gifted employees, which are the most valuable resource for any organization (Kramar et al 2011). a) bribery. When a company appears in the international environment, it can appear in the middle of the conflicts existing in the new society. Bribery is one of them. For example, while the bribery laws in the USA are strong, they are not so strong in Africa or China. The companies which recently faced such problem are: Transparency International Australia  and The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)  (Collings & WoodÐ ± 2009) b) breach of contract. The main task of IHRM is to make employees perform in accordance with ethical norms. Only adhering to ethical rules can increase the standard of living and bring benefits to employees and their families. IHRM has a very difficult task to instruct on the code of ethics and its application in the international environment. The violation of ethical rules can lead to breach of contract. The company, which recently faced such a problem, is Ocean & Earth (Klerck, 2009). c) abuse of human rights. Here the human resources managers meet many challenges and these challenges are much more serious than in those companies, which do not perform internationally. This situation is typical for the work in developing countries. Globe International  Limited faced the situation where the rights of their employees were violated. This negatively influenced the performance of the organization (Klerck

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Business Ethics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Business Ethics - Case Study Example Pollution problems in Ohio valley are rooted in the year 1950 with the emerging of the Union Carbide which led to the building of several industries in the mountainous regions around the Ohio valley. Pollution problems started in 1951 (Hartley 1993. p. 31). Soot bad odour and ash were being emitted to the atmosphere causing massive of pollution. The neighboring population around the industrial area experienced the most suffering since most settlement were built on the valley. People were infected with respiratory disease among other dangerous illnesses. The Union carbine frustrated the people plead for the pollution content to be reduced. The National Air Pollution Control Administration tried to intervene in the situation by requesting the area to be inspected but the result of this was an ignorant response from the government. This portrays the level of corruption and unethical business environment in Ohio. Companies only focused on the profits and their business outcomes while neg lected the human environment in which the business directly affects. Business ethics advocate for healthy business environments which involves the relationship between the human and business environment. A healthy business environment is supposed to consider the economic, social and political environment. These are the entities that determine the prosperity of a business be it in the private or public sector. A good business is determined by the level of positive co-relation between these entity factors. Union carbine displays negative business ethics since it does not consider the help of the people living in the surrounding environment. In 1971, environmental reforms were structured which included the implementation of a number of pollution management measures. Union Carbide shut down one boiler and some workers lost their jobs as a result. This was considered as a form of retaliation to due to the new environmental reforms. This is unethical as it shows lack of consideration by t he company. Lockheed Corporation: Overseas Bribery Gone Rampant Corruption is one of the major attributes of unethical business. Corruption takes course in form of bribery of illegal tender allocation. Robert F. Hartley gives an overview of corruption cases and how they affect business ethics. Lockheed Corporation had tried to venture into several businesses but none of them turned out to be successful (Hartley 1993. p. 83). The company invested heavily in a number of businesses which all failed in the process before making any slight positive outcomes. Due to this, the company decided to switch to unethical form of business operation. Lockheed Corporation decided to extend their sales overseas in order to obtain more profits. This forced the company to make payoff in order to obtain contracts. Therefore it engaged in commodity trading with countries like Netherlands, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Iran and Spain. These resulted in the resignation of the company’s chairman. The reason to this was that the company went bankrupt under his leadership. Unethical business practices show a sense of unprofessionalism. The company board forced the manager to resign because he displayed unprofessional leadership skills at the time the company needed to progress and settle of its previous deficits. This also led to the creation of foreign corruption act in 1977. Robert F. Hartley

Anthropology - Youth Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Anthropology - Youth Culture - Essay Example triarchy, marriage, educational systems and the like.†1 Because each individual is born as a subject of a particular form of ideology, believing he is acting on his own freely formed or freely recognized ideas, he inadvertently reinforces the practices and rituals of the ISAs.2 This circle of activity is called â€Å"interpellation† and demonstrates how â€Å"ideology is not a static set of ideas imposed upon the subordinate by the dominant classes, but rather a dynamic process constantly reproduced and reconstituted in practice.†3 However, in order to work, interpellation requires the individual to respond to the hail of a particular ideology, thereby becoming its subject and participating in its practices. Bad subjects of the realm who do not recognize, accept or maintain the dominant discourse are subjected to societal ridicule, obsequy or ostracism. When enough individuals are subjected to this type of ridicule, obsequy or ostracism, they begin to group togeth er, forming a subculture with a common voice of some sort. For one adolescent subculture, that voice emerged in the 1990s as a band called Green Day. To understand how Green Day helps to define an entire subculture, it is first necessary to understand what the subculture might be reacting against. From this point, an examination into where the band is different from and similar to other musical genres coupled with an analysis of the band’s message eventually reveals the types of individuals who feel connected through this music. Subcultures are groups that operate in some form of opposition to the greater culture. Louis Althusser suggested all aspects of society, regardless of class or political affiliation influence the various ideologies of a given time. In 1969, he wrote: â€Å"rather than a strict relationship between ideology and the economic base of society, where one class imposes its values on another, ideology is a dynamic set of practices in which all groups and classes participate.†4

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Business Ethics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Business Ethics - Case Study Example Pollution problems in Ohio valley are rooted in the year 1950 with the emerging of the Union Carbide which led to the building of several industries in the mountainous regions around the Ohio valley. Pollution problems started in 1951 (Hartley 1993. p. 31). Soot bad odour and ash were being emitted to the atmosphere causing massive of pollution. The neighboring population around the industrial area experienced the most suffering since most settlement were built on the valley. People were infected with respiratory disease among other dangerous illnesses. The Union carbine frustrated the people plead for the pollution content to be reduced. The National Air Pollution Control Administration tried to intervene in the situation by requesting the area to be inspected but the result of this was an ignorant response from the government. This portrays the level of corruption and unethical business environment in Ohio. Companies only focused on the profits and their business outcomes while neg lected the human environment in which the business directly affects. Business ethics advocate for healthy business environments which involves the relationship between the human and business environment. A healthy business environment is supposed to consider the economic, social and political environment. These are the entities that determine the prosperity of a business be it in the private or public sector. A good business is determined by the level of positive co-relation between these entity factors. Union carbine displays negative business ethics since it does not consider the help of the people living in the surrounding environment. In 1971, environmental reforms were structured which included the implementation of a number of pollution management measures. Union Carbide shut down one boiler and some workers lost their jobs as a result. This was considered as a form of retaliation to due to the new environmental reforms. This is unethical as it shows lack of consideration by t he company. Lockheed Corporation: Overseas Bribery Gone Rampant Corruption is one of the major attributes of unethical business. Corruption takes course in form of bribery of illegal tender allocation. Robert F. Hartley gives an overview of corruption cases and how they affect business ethics. Lockheed Corporation had tried to venture into several businesses but none of them turned out to be successful (Hartley 1993. p. 83). The company invested heavily in a number of businesses which all failed in the process before making any slight positive outcomes. Due to this, the company decided to switch to unethical form of business operation. Lockheed Corporation decided to extend their sales overseas in order to obtain more profits. This forced the company to make payoff in order to obtain contracts. Therefore it engaged in commodity trading with countries like Netherlands, Japan, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Iran and Spain. These resulted in the resignation of the company’s chairman. The reason to this was that the company went bankrupt under his leadership. Unethical business practices show a sense of unprofessionalism. The company board forced the manager to resign because he displayed unprofessional leadership skills at the time the company needed to progress and settle of its previous deficits. This also led to the creation of foreign corruption act in 1977. Robert F. Hartley

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Animal Farm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Animal Farm - Essay Example This made him to get rid of Snowball from the farm using the dogs that he had secretly trained. Thesis: Napoleon changed the farm rules by stating no animal shall kill each other without the cause. This indicated that Napoleon did not value other animals’ ideas as he made major decisions affecting the farm without consulting them. Thesis: Napoleon made the animals to work extra hard by forcing them to build a windmill, which he did not consider useful at the beginning. He used this to act as strategy to make animals too tired to think about their situation, lack time for rebellion and not to realize Napoleon’s intentions. The banning of Snowball from the animal farm indicates that Napoleon is an opportunist because he changes a situation to his favor. Throughout the novel, Napoleon used Snowball as scapegoat for everything that went wrong in the farm. This secured Napoleon’s leadership position as the animals did not blame him for anything bad. Napoleon used different means to ensure that he maintained his power (Orwell & Ian 25). For example, he rarely appeared in public that made the animals to believe that he had important matters to attend to rather than the animals’ welfare and they made the animals to adore his appearance. Finally, Napoleon eliminated anyone who appeared to be a threat to his

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Life and Legacy of Johann Sebastian Bach

The Life and Legacy of Johann Sebastian Bach The Life and Legacy of Johann Sebastian Bach Many important figures have impacted and shaped the comprehensive history of western classical music. Even today, most laymen know of the names of the great classical composers like prodigy Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and can even identify some of the most iconic melodies such as the opening subject to Ludwig Van Beethoven’s 5th Symphony. Surprisingly, these men of great talent all stem from the foundation set by one German composer: Johann Sebastian Bach. Now, the name J.S. Bach evokes the Baroque period of music and its influence can be seen throughout the works of later periods and other composers. With such a substantial impact, J.S. Bach in actuality had a very modest and local career and after Bach’s death, his music was almost completely forgotten. It was through his legacy among musicians and protà ©gà ©s which sparked a rekindling of Bach’s music and he now receives immense admiration and veneration for his technically challenging keyboard works, his pote nt liturgical works, and his vast amount of sheer repertoire. Johann Sebastian Bach was born on March 31st, 1685, into a highly musical family. His father, Johann Ambrosius Bach, was the director of the town musicians and was skilled in the violin and harpsichord. J.S. Bach was the youngest of eight children all of whom were trained in harpsichord, violin, and basic music theory. Bach also had many uncles who were all professional musicians working as local organists, court chamber musicians, and composers. Thus, J.S. Bach was immersed in music from a young age and also was trained in music theory, composition, the harpsichord, clavichord, organ, and violin. In particular, his older brother Johann Christoph Bach, an organist at the St. Michael’s Church in Ohrdruf and pupil of Johann Pachelbel, became a prominent musical figure in J. S. Bach’s life and further engendered his passion for music. At the age of 14, Bach attended the prestigious St. Michael’s School in Luneburg, Germany where he was exposed to a wide variety of c ultural sounds such as the music of Northern and Southern Germany, Italy, and France. In 1703, J. S. Bach was appointed the position of court musician at the chapel of Duke Johann Ernst III in the city of Weimar but was unhappy with his work as he was often unsatisfied with the church choirs and the amount of composing he was responsible for. Thus, Bach and his family was required to travel and move in order to seek better job opportunities. However, unlike most musicians, who would travel all across Europe performing and making a living, Bach lived relatively local moving from town to town all within the confines of Germany. Bach often had ideological differences with his employer and he would compose some of his greatest works all in different cities and churches as well require to teach students. For instance, in 1723, Bach was appointed the Cantor of the St. Thomas Church in Leipzig where he served and composed till his death 27 years later. Bach was required to teach the students of the St. Thomas Church singing and keyboard. It was at this time that Bach wrote his Inventions and Sinfonias for keyboard, a collection of exercises that most pianists play even to this day in order to improve their technique, articulation, dexterity, precision, and speed. It was also as Thomaskantor that he wrote his Mass in B minor, considered to be one of the greatest choral works of all time. Johann Sebastian Bach died on July 28th, 1750 and although he was celebrated as an organist and harpsichordist, very few people beyond the city of Weimar knew of Bach’s compositions. It was only the great composers and keyboardist to keep Bach’s music alive in conservatories and libraries. Thus, the even the greatest of composers such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Frederic Chopin, and Felix Mendelssohn, all revered Bach’s work as excellent keyboard music. This is because Bach’s music was one of the most highly technical for the era, another being the music of Bach’s contemporary, George Frederic Handel. During the Baroque period, keyboard instruments were often for accompaniment to harmonize and contrast with the string instruments of the orchestra. However, substantial advances for keyboard in result of Bach’s compositions led to more solo prominence in music as well as facilitated the invention of the pianoforte, now one of the most learned m usic instruments. Moreover, Bach has left not only a large amount of music manuscripts but also his legacy as a keyboardist, and composer of liturgical and secular music. Through his travels and his encounters with different cultures and colleagues within the Baroque Era, Bach was able to capitalize on both the aesthetic culture of the time and the variety of styles across countries. Also, as Bach had shifted positions and employers many times, he was required to create new music contextually depending on purpose and location. As Bach was a religiously devoted man, he wrote a numerous amount of chorales, pastoral songs, and congregational hymns for the choir and organ or harpsichord. As Bach began teaching and instructing, Bach began to write more works for keyboard that included a variety of preludes and fugues, toccatas, fantasies, and theme and variation works. Baroque music in general is classified by its heavily ornate technicality and grandiose sounds all within a systematically controlled framework. Thus, Bach’s music is highly articulate and technical a reason why the great pianists Felix Mendelssohn and Franz Liszt both practiced with Bach works and built upon his keyboard foundation. Bach also further developed German music through his skill in counterpoint, harmonic, and motivic organization, and the adaptation of rhythms, forms and textures. However, after Bach’s death, much of his music was deemed archaic and old-fashioned as new composers such as Franz Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Ludwig van Beethoven brought forth the new era of Classical music. Soon, most of the general public did not know of J. S. Bach’s name in the beginning of the 19th century. Many pivotal figures reincarnated Bach’s name through the years. First, Johann Nikolaus Forkel’s wrote the composer’s biography in 180 2. The pianist and composer, Felix Mendelssohn further popularized Bach’s name by arranging and performing the St. Matthew Passion. The performance proved to be successful as Bach’s name and reputation as a composer soon revived. By the 1850s, the Bach-Gesellschaft, or the Bach Society, was founded in order to further preserve Bach’s works and promote his repertoire. New works by Bach are still being found to this day. Bach’s enormous library of music is simply a testament to his diligence and creativity. With such music, Bach was able to pave a way for future musicians and composers. Through his advancement in keyboard work, Bach provided the technique for great pianists. With his teachings and instructions, many of his protà ©gà ©s moved on to become great Classical era composers. Even presently, Bach’s works are performed by the finest of performers and has become truly a household name for both musicians and laymen alike. Works Consulted â€Å"Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750). â€Å"Encyclopedia of world biography. Detroit: Gale, 1998 Grout, D. J. (1980) A history of western music. New York, NY: W. W. Norton Kerman, J. and G. Tomlinson (2012). Listen (7th edition). Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s Kennedy, M. (2006) The Oxford dictionary of music. New York, NY: Oxford University Press Kevorkian, T. â€Å"Bach Family.† Europe, 1450 to 1789: Encyclopedia of the early modern world. Ed. Jonathan Dewald. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2004 The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Ed. Stanley Sadie. London: Macmillan Publishers, 1980. Randel, D. M. (2003) The Harvard Dictionary of Music. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Computer Viruses :: essays research papers fc

IntroductionIn the past decade, computer and networking technology has seen enormous growth. This growth however, has not come without a price. With the advent of the "Information Highway", as it's coined, a new methodology in crime has been created. Electronic crime has been responsible for some of the most financially devastating victimizations in society. In the recent past, society has seen malicious editing of the Justice Department web page (1), unauthorized access into classified government computer files, phone card and credit card fraud, and electronic embezzlement. All these crimes are committed in the name of "free speech." These new breed of criminals claim that information should not be suppressed or protected and that the crimes they commit are really not crimes at all. What they choose to deny is that the nature of their actions are slowly consuming the fabric of our country's moral and ethical trust in the information age.Federal law enforcement agencies, as well as commercial computer companies, have been scrambling around in an attempt to "educate" the public on how to prevent computer crime from happening to them. They inform us whenever there is an attack, provide us with mostly ineffective anti-virus software, and we are left feeling isolated and vulnerable. I do not feel that this defensive posture is effective because it is not pro-active. Society is still being attacked by highly skilled computer criminals of which we know very little about them, their motives, and their tools of the trade. Therefore, to be effective in defense, we must understand how these attacks take place from a technical stand-point. To some degree, we must learn to become a computer criminal. Then we will be in a better position to defend against these victimizations that affect us on both the financial and emotional level. In this paper, we will explore these areas of which we know so little, and will also see that computers are really extensions of people. An attack on a computer's vulnerabilities are really an attack on peoples' vulnerabilities. Today, computer systems are under attack from a multitude of sources. These range from malicious code, such as viruses and worms, to human threats, such as hackers and phone "phreaks." These attacks target different characteristics of a system. This leads to the possibility that a particular system is more susceptible to certain kinds of attacks. Malicious code, such as viruses and worms, attack a system in one of two ways, either internally or externally.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty Essay -- Anatomy, Coron

Introduction In 1977, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) was introduced to dilate narrow coronary arteries. Over the years, the development of the procedure knocked down major anatomical obstacles. Typically the procedure involves a small incision into the leg, a catheter is inserted through the groin vein and is then steered to the blocked coronary vessel via a guide wire. On the tip of the catheter is a deflated balloon. Once at the congested region of the artery the balloon is inflated, causing plaque to compress against the artery wall, dilating the artery and restoring blood to flow [1]. The initial success was demoted by the occurrence of elastic recoil. Nevertheless, scientist over came these drawbacks (well so they thought), by mounting a bare-metal stent (BMS) on the balloon of the catheter [2]. Jacques Puel and Ulrich Sigwart inserted the first stent into a human coronary artery in 1986. The inflation of the balloon caused the minute expandable metal to implant into t he vessel, causing the vessel to expand and remain expanded. The hindrance of elastic recoil was believed to be defeated, therefore in 1994 the U.S Food and Drug Administration approved the use of the first Palmaz-Schatz stent [3]. The insertion of BMS did initially improve results, mainly by reducing the risk of abrupt closure and improving long-term results. However, a new barrier was exposed in the form of In-Stent Restenosis (ISR). The new problem included negative remodelling and neointimal formation. One way to combat ISR was the concept of â€Å"coating† the metallic stent with an anti-proliferative pharmacological agent. The drug coated stents, referred to as drug eluting stents (DES), delivered the drug locally from the surface of the... ...st generation SES. The second generation EES showed superior clinical and safety over PES in the SPIRT trails. Highly significant data in TLF, MACE, stent thrombosis and target lesion revascularization was demonstrated in favour of EES. However, second generation DES may not be the â€Å"be all† of what they are made out to be. A number of clinical trail’s report negative information for ZES. ENDEAVOR I and III trails and Kandazri et al. observed significantly higher rates of in-stent late lumen loss ZES verses SES. Furthermore, SORT-OUT III trails also observed negative results for ZES, reporting considerable increases in stent thrombosis, myocardial infarction and target lesion revascularisation. On comparing both of the second generation DES together, mixed results were obtained. ESTROFA-2 reported low rates of thrombosis in both ZES and ESS. Explain difference....

Friday, October 11, 2019

Checkpoint: Financial Management Goals Essay

It is sometimes suggested that the most important goal for financial management is to earn the highest possible profit for the company. However, the key is to use that in setting a goal for the firm. The main measure of performance is how the earnings are valued by the investor. It is important to an investor how the firm’s earnings have increased or decrease, the quality, reliability and risk of it. The financial manager must take all of these into considerations when making each decision on the firm’s overall valuation. The financial manager may attempt to maximize the wealth of the firm’s shareholders by getting the highest value for the firm. Stock prices are not directly controlled by the financial manager since it is generally affected by the expectations of the firm’s future as well as the current economic environment. In some instances, management may be more interested in maintaining its own tenure than in maximizing stockholder wealth. The goal of shareholder wealth maximization is consistent with a concern for social responsibility for the firm. By adopting policies that would maximize values in the market, the firm can attract capital, provide employment, and offer benefits to its community. Another importance is the ethical behavior of a company because it creates an invaluable reputation. Companies can become more visible than others in their pursuit of these goals. The companies that do a good job at practicing ethical behaviors are profitable, save money, and are good citizens in their communities.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Traditional Vs Interactive Simulation Effect On Students Education Essay

Chapter 4This chapter describes the consequences of the statistical analyses of the informations collected in order to prove the research hypotheses that guided this survey. It besides contains the treatment sing the results from these analyses and information gathered from the Pre-test and post-test on Electrostatic for control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and experimental group ( learning with synergistic simulation and besides questionnaire on pupils ‘ attitude towards larning scientific discipline.4.1 Reliability of trial instrumentsThe Cronbach ‘s alpha dependability coefficient was calculated to find the dependability of the trials instruments. Table 4.1 shows that the Cronbach ‘s alpha dependability coefficients are scope from 0.600 to 0.885. This indicates the trial points are acceptable for usage in the survey. Table 4.1 Cronbach ‘s Alpha Reliability for Test on Electrostatic and Questionnaire on Attitude. N of points Cronbach ‘s Alpha Reliability Attitude towards Science 28 0.885 Trial on Electrostatic 27 0.6444.2 Traditional vs. Interactive Simulation consequence on pupils ‘ accomplishment on ToEThis subdivision describes the consequences of analyses to obtain replies for the first research aims: To look into the effectivity of two different instructional attacks ( I ) learning with traditional manner or ( two ) instruction and larning with Interactive simulation on pupils ‘ accomplishment on trial of electrostatic In order to arouse replies to the research aim, the undermentioned research inquiry and research hypotheses were formulated. Research Question 1: Is there important consequence in pupils ‘ accomplishment on Pre and Post trials on electrostatic ( TOE ) for ( one ) control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and ( two ) experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) ? The void hypotheses are formulated in order to reply research inquiry 1: H 1: There is no important difference in pupils ‘ accomplishment on the pre and station trials on electrostatic for control group ( learning with traditional learning manner ) . H 2: There is no important difference in pupils ‘ accomplishment on the pre-post trials on electrostatic for experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) . Paired sample t-test was conducted severally on the average tonss of pre and station trials on electrostatic ( ToE ) for ( one ) control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and ( two ) experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) . Table 4.2 Consequences of Paired sample on Test on Electrostatic ( ToE ) for control ( n = 31 ) and experimental groups ( n=25 ) Sample Group Trial on Electrostatic Mean Score South dakota Mean Diff. South dakota T Sig. ( 2-tailed ) Effect Size ( Eta ) Control Group ( Teaching with Traditional manner ) Pre Post 9.19 18.06 2.71 5.43 8.87 4.84 10.20 *.000 0.71 Experimental Group ( Teaching and larning with synergistic simulation ) Pre Post 8.72 22.16 4.33 4.68 13.44 3.80 17.69 *.000 0.83 *p & A ; lt ; Consequences of mated sample t-test for Hypothesis 1.A paired-samples t-test was conducted to measure the impact of the intercession on pupils ‘ mean tonss on the ToE for control group ( learning with traditional manner ) . It can be seen that from Table 4.2, there was a statistically important addition in the mean mark between the Pre and Post on ToE for control group from ( M= 9.19, SD=2.713 ) to ( M=18.06, SD=5.428 ) severally at T ( 30 ) = 10.20 at P & A ; lt ; 0.05 degree. The consequence size ( .71 ) indicates a big consequence size on pupils ‘ accomplishment before and after. The average mark difference between Pre and Post ToE is M=8.87. Therefore the void hypothesis 1 is rejected. This indicates that there is important difference in pupils ‘ mean mark for control group ( learning with traditional manner ) before and after intercession. It means that the pupil performed significantly better in the post-test compared to their public presentation in the pre-test. This shows that pupils do understand to what the instructor is learning.4.2.2 Consequences of mated sample t-test for Hypothesis 2.Same trial has been conducted to measure the impact of the intercession on pupils ‘ mean tonss on the ToE for experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) . Besides from table 4.2, there was a statistically important addition in the mean mark difference between the Pre and Post on ToE for experimental group from ( M = 8.72, SD = 4.326 ) to ( M = 22.16, SD = 4.679 ) at T ( 24 ) = 17.69 at P & A ; lt ; 0.025 degree. The consequence size after intercession for experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) is ( .83 ) indicates a really big consequence to pupils ‘ accomplishment in ToE. The average mark difference between Pre and Post ToE is ( M = 13.44 ) . With these, the void hypothesis 2 is besides non accepted. This means there is important difference in pupils ‘ accomplishment after intercession utilizing synergistic simulation. It means that the pupil besides performed significantly better in the post-test compared to their public presentation in the pre-test after utilizing synergistic simulation in the instruction and learning electrostatic.4.2.3. DecisionFrom the consequences of the tabular array above, it can be concluded that after learning either with traditional method or utilizing synergistic simulation, it have significantly consequence on pupils ‘ accomplishment in trial on electrostatic. However harmonizing to the findings, it was found out that pupils ‘ accomplishment is somewhat higher in experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) compared to pupils ‘ accomplishment in control group ( learning with traditional manners ) as the consequence size is 0.83 and 0.71 severally. It shows larning public presentation was better when utilizing simulations in instruction and acquisition compared to learning with traditional manner. Research Question 2 Is there important difference in pupils ‘ accomplishment on Pre and Post Test on Electrostatic ( ToE ) between control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) ? The void hypotheses are formulated in order to reply research inquiry 2: H 3: There is no important difference in pupils ‘ accomplishment on the pre-test on electrostatic between control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) . H 4: There is no important difference in pupils ‘ accomplishment on the post-test on electrostatic between control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) . Independent sample trial was conducted on the average tonss of pre and station trials on electrostatic between control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) . Table 4.3 Consequences of Independent T-Test on Test on Electrostatic for control and experimental groups Trial on Electrostatic Group Mean South dakota Mean Diff. T Sig. ( 2-tailed ) Effect Size ( Eta ) Pre Control Experimental 9.19 8.72 2.71 4.33 .474 .477 .636–Post Control Experimental 18.06 22.16 5.43 4.68 4.10 2.98 *.004 0.40 *p & A ; lt ; 0.0254.2.4 Consequences of independent sample t-test for Hypothesis 3In this subdivision, it shows that there is non differ significantly, ( t = .477, DF=38.54, p=.636 ) in pre-test on electrostatic between control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and experimental group ( learning with synergistic simulation ) as ( M = 9.19, SD = 2.71 ) and ( M=8.72, SD=4.33 ) . There is merely a little mean difference between both groups i.e. ( M=.474 ) . Therefore the void hypotheses 3 can be accepted. This means that the degree of apprehension of the pupils towards electrostatic in both category i.e. control group and experimental group are the same.4.2.5 Consequences of independent sample t-test for Hypothesis 4By looking at table 4.3 under post-tests for both groups, it shows that there is significantly difference between post-test on electrostatic between control group ( learning with traditional manners ) and experimental group ( learning with synergistic simulation ) as T ( 54 ) = 2.98 at P & A ; lt ; .025. This is because the average difference is big i.e. ( M = 4.10 ) comparison to the pre-test mean difference. The consequence size is ( =.40 ) which means giving a moderate consequence when the pupils intervene by synergistic simulations. But still, it shows great betterment in post-test on electrostatic between control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and experimental group ( learning with synergistic simulation ) as ( M = 18.06, SD = 5.43 ) and ( M=22.16, SD=4.68 ) . This shows that with the aid of synergistic simulations, it so effectual in bettering pupils ‘ accomplishment in natural philosophies topics. The void hypothesis will non be accepted.4.2.6 DecisionThe consequence from the independent trial analyses, there is no important difference between pre-test of control and experimental group. However, there is extremely important difference between post-test control group and experimental group at P & A ; lt ; .05. And the consequence size indicates that learning with synergistic simulation do hold moderate consequence on pupils ‘ accomplishment on electrostatic. From the consequences it shows that synergistic simulation can assist in pupils understanding better in natural philosophies constructs compared to learning with traditional manner.4.3 Traditional vs. Interactive Simulation consequence on pupils ‘ attitudes towards ScienceThis subdivision describes the consequences of analyses to obtain replies for the 2nd research a ims: the consequence of on control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) on pupils ‘ accomplishment and attitude towards Science. In order to arouse replies to the research objectives, the undermentioned research inquiry and research hypotheses were formulated. Research Question 3 Is there important difference in pupils ‘ attitude before and after learning for experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) ? The void hypotheses are formulated in order to reply research inquiry 3: H 5: There is no important difference in pupils ‘ attitude before and after learning for experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) . H 6: There is no important difference in pupils ‘ attitude before and after learning for experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) for different sphere. Paired sample t-test was besides performed on the average difference of pupils ‘ attitude toward scientific discipline before and after learning for both experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) and for different sphere ( involvement, pertinence, continuity and motive ) at P & A ; lt ; .05. Table 4.4 Consequences of Paired sample on Survey on pupils ‘ attitude towards larning Science for control and experimental groups Sample Group Survey Nitrogen Mean Mark South dakota Mean Diff. South dakota T Sig. ( 2-tailed ) Effect Size ( Eta ) Control Group Pre Post 31 31–3.74–.483–––––Experimental Group Pre Post 25 25 3.50 3.97 .326 .440 .467 .613 3.81 .001 0.524.3.1 Consequences of mated sample t-test for Hypothesis 5.Table 4.4 reveals that the difference between the pre-survey and post-survey for experimental group is statistically important at T ( 24 ) = 3.81 at P & A ; lt ; 0.01 degree. As the mean of pupils ‘ attitude towards scientific discipline was increased from ( M= 3.50, SD=.440 to ( M=3.97, SD=.326 ) with the average difference of ( M=.467 ) . It indicates that the pupils ‘ attitude towards scientific discipline is going more positive after being introduced to interactive simulation and the consequence size Tells with synergistic simulation, it does give great impact on attitude of pupils. As during the lessons, for experimental groups they interact with the pedagogue while the instructor explains the electrostatic by utilizing the synergistic simulation. This shows that pupil truly interested to cognize what happens.4.3.2 Consequences of mated sample t-test for Hypothesis 6.From table 4.5, there are statisticall y important for all the spheres as for involvement T ( 24 ) = 6.162, pertinence T ( 24 ) = 2.552, and motive T ( 24 ) = 2.751 at P & A ; lt ; .025 excepting continuity T ( 24 ) = 2.367 shown non important at P & A ; lt ; .025. Out of the four dimension, involvement in larning scientific discipline has the highest average difference ( M =.726 ) followed by pertinence ( M =.400 ) and so motive ( M =.360 ) . The tabular array farther Tells that after the pupils being taught utilizing synergistic simulation, it gave great impact on pupils ‘ involvement towards larning scientific discipline as the consequence size is ( .67 ) i.e. large consequence. Along with pertinence and motive as both gave moderate consequence ( .40 ) every bit good as continuity ( .32 ) . Therefore the void hypotheses is rejected for 3 spheres i.e. motive, involvement and pertinence except for continuity, there is no important difference therefore, void hypothesis is accepted. Table 4.5 Consequences of Paired sample on Survey on pupils ‘ attitude towards larning Science for different sphere for experimental groups Sphere Survey Mean South dakota Mean Diff. South dakota T Sig. ( 2 tailed ) Effect Size ( Eta ) Interest Pre Post 3.29 4.02 .441 .370 .726 .589 6.16 *.000 0.67 Applicability Pre Post 3.56 3.96 .516 .416 .400 .784 2.55 *.017 0.40 Continuity Pre Post 3.69 4.05 .561 .470 .360 .761 2.37 .026 0.32 Motivation Pre Post 3.47 3.86 .521 .404 .383 .696 2.75 *.011 0.404.3.3 DecisionsFrom the information analyses above, this proved that pupils ‘ attitude towards scientific discipline shows more positive after been exposed to new learning manner i.e. learning with synergistic simulation. Therefore both hypotheses 5 and 6 are rejected as there are important differences in pupils ‘ average attitude towards Science. This means synergistic simulations able to hold on pupils ‘ attending and hike their involvement and motive to larn Science. Research Question 4 Is there important difference in pupils ‘ attitude after learning between control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) ? The void hypotheses are formulated in order to reply last research inquiry 4: Hypotheses 7 There is no important difference in pupils ‘ attitude towards scientific discipline after learning between control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) . Hypotheses 8 There is no important difference in pupils ‘ attitude towards scientific discipline after learning between control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) for different sphere ( involvement, pertinence, continuity and motive ) Independent sample trial was conducted on the average difference of pupils ‘ attitude toward scientific discipline before and after learning for experimental group ( learning and larning with synergistic simulation ) and for different sphere ( involvement, pertinence, continuity and motive ) at P & A ; lt ; . Consequences of independent sample t-test for Hypothesis 7Under this subdivision, the average study points is at P & A ; lt ; 0.05 which indicates that pupils ‘ attitude towards larning Science do differ significantly after learning i.e. comparing between learning with traditional manner and synergistic simulation. Table 4.6Independents sample Test on pupils ‘ attitude towards scientific discipline after learning between Control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and Experimental group ( learning with synergistic simulation ) Survey Group Nitrogen Mean South dakota Mean Diff. T Sig. ( 2-tailed ) Effect Size ( Eta ) Post Control Experimental 25 31 3.74 4.02 .483 .327 .287 2.64 .011 0.34 This indicates learning with synergistic simulation make assist student better engage in the lesson taught. And be more synergistic with the instructor as compared to traditional instruction manner.4.3.5 Consequences of independent sample t-test for Hypothesis 8Table 4.7 Independent T-test on pupils ‘ attitude towards scientific discipline after learning between Control group ( learning with traditional manner ) and Experimental group ( learning with synergistic simulation ) in different sphere Sphere Group Nitrogen Mean South dakota Mean Diff. T Sig. ( 2 tailed ) Effect Size ( Eta ) Interest Experimental Group 25 4.10 .414 .492 4.06 *.000 0.50 Control Group 31 3.61 .478 Applicability Experimental Group 25 3.98 .409 .218 1.74 .087 0.22 Control Group 31 3.77 .505 Continuity Experimental Group 25 4.10 .447 .180 1.26 .214 0.20 Control Group 31 3.91 .621 Motivation Experimental Group 25 3.97 .396 .299 2.32 *.024 0.30 Control Group 31 3.67 .535 As seen from the tabular array when comparing the station study of control and experimental groups merely two of the dimension differ significantly i.e. involvement and motive towards scientific discipline. Whereas, pertinence and continuity towards scientific discipline remain the same for both groups, this indicates there is no important difference. There were large consequence size for involvement sphere ( =.50 ) and moderate consequence size ( =.30 ) . Whereas consequence size for pertinence and continuity indicates little consequence size ( =.22 ) and ( =.20 ) severally.4.3.6 DecisionThe independent trial for this subdivisions conclude that learning with synergistic simulation do give little consequence on pupils ‘ attitude towards scientific discipline. But for the sphere, pupils ‘ involvement towards scientific discipline shows consequence as P & A ; lt ; .05. On the other manus, pupils ‘ pertinence towards scientific discipline does non demo any important di fference as P & A ; gt ; .05.4.4 Students InterviewThe followers was the extract of pupils interview on what do they believe between larning traditionally and larning with the aid of synergistic simulation. Teacher: Which manner of learning would you preferred? Students: Teacher: Is the teacher manner of learning easier to understand? Students: Teacher: In your sentiment, what do you anticipate the instructor to make, to do the lesson interesting? Students: Teacher: Do you believe with the aid of ICT can do the lesson interesting and assist you understand better/ for case what the instructor did in the schoolroom Students:

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Discuss the importance of dreams Essay

He compares them with other people who had dreams of owning a farm. â€Å"I see hundred of men come by on the road an’ on the ranches †¦ ; an’ every damn one of ’em got a little piece of land in his head. An’ never God damn one of ’em ever gets it. † He believes Lennie is crazy. Notice that unlike the other workers, Crooks job is stable and secure. When Candy comes in and starts talking about the dream and how they have most of the money for the dream, he changes his mind and wants to be a part of it â€Å"†¦ want a hand to work for nothing-just his keep, why I’d come an’ lend a hand. I ain’t so crippled I can’t work like a son-of-a-bitch if I want to†. And because of this, his confidence has built up and feels he can do anything. Curley’s wife comes in into the scene and reduces Crooks’ confidence by saying she is going to put him into trouble. She feels she is better than him because of his colour. â€Å"Well, you keep your place then, Nigger. I could get you strung up on the tree so easy it ain’t even funny† And this makes Crooks lose all hope of becoming a part of the dream because he thinks that is the way George and Lennie will possibly treat him when he works on the farm. â€Å"†¦ well jus’ forget it, ‘I didn’t mean it. Jus’ foolin’. I wouldn’t want to go no place like that†. Notice what Crooks says about people having dreams but not being able to fulfil them, he knows that people have other priorities and problems and the dream only remains a dream. This reflects on what Lennie does and how the dream is destroyed. Curley’s wife also had a dream but her dream was unlike the other characters that had dreams. Her dream was to become a famous actress and be in the cinemas, and she believes everything other people tell her about her talent â€Å"Coulda been in the movies, an’ had nice clothes†¦ an’ had pitchers taken of me†¦ † She confessed to Lennie that she did not like her husband Curley and that she just married him to get away from her boring life because she thought getting married would provide new experiences for her â€Å"So I married Curley. Met him out to the Riverside Dance Palace that same night†. She has this dream because the people in the movies had a life of glamour and she wanted to live like that. She also has this dream because she is not treated fairly on the ranch and has no-one to talk to (apart from Curley) â€Å"Ain’t I got a right to talk to nobody? Whatta they think I am, anyways? †¦ † So because of this, she is always seeking attention in the wrong places which eventually lead to her death. Her dream was shattered when she let Lennie stroke her hair. In death, she look very peaceful unlike when she was alive and had problems. The characters of the book â€Å"Of Mice and Men† have dreams at some time of their life. They have these dreams so as to escape the hardship of life in the 1930’s. They also had dreams for the urge for something good that could make them feel very good about themselves. Some of the dreams maybe were not meant to come true (Curleys wife’s dream) but we come to see how close George and Lennie come to achieving theirs. If Curley’s wife didn’t seek for attention and Lennie did not have the fascination for soft things, they would have had the chance to have another way of life. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE John Steinbeck section.